The challenge
To reimagine Campbelltown’s CBD to grow a sustainable, resilient and prosperous cluster city to service the broader Macarthur region.
To reimagine Campbelltown’s CBD to grow a sustainable, resilient and prosperous cluster city to service the broader Macarthur region.
The project redefined land use for an integrated urban structure promoting connectivity and less car dependency.
An evidence based smart cities master plan for Campbelltown’s three key centres, with an emphasis on measurable outcomes and catalytic projects.
In preparation for the opportunities that the Western Sydney Airport and the Western Sydney City Deal will bring, Campbelltown City Council has developed a master plan to reimagine the CBD. Stretching from Macarthur in the south to Leumeah in the north, Reimagining Campbelltown provides an implementable blueprint to grow a sustainable, resilient and prosperous cluster city to service the broader Macarthur region.
The project redefined the land uses for an integrated urban structure promoting connectivity and less car dependency, including a walking and cycling network. It renews the “blue and green grid” infrastructure system to bring sustainable water and green spaces through public spaces and development controls.
Arcadis worked collaboratively with Urbis and other specialist consultants in delivering the vision, strategic and delivery framework for a reimagined Campbelltown. We worked in a co-authoring relationship directly with key Campbelltown Council staff as the technical leads for stormwater, civil infrastructure, utilities and transportation.
We identified projects and studies that would enable Campbelltown to become a resilient and sustainable city. In line with an evidence-based/smart city master planning approach, we also developed various lead metrics to demonstrate the outcome of the master plan as well as to enable Campbelltown City Council to monitor the progress of the master plan into the future.
We provided the transport and civil infrastructure technical studies for the development of the master plan, which leverages opportunities that infrastructure such as the Western Sydney Airport will bring, supporting the economic growth of the centre.
In the water space, Arcadis worked towards building the vision of Campbelltown becoming a water-sensitive city in line with the latest best practices for integrated water cycle management. In addition to focusing on the “blue grid” of the city, Arcadis was also responsible for ensuring the “green grid” was represented in the city-shaping project in accordance with the Government Architects framework.
In the transport space, Arcadis developed multimodal solutions to drive the shift away from private vehicle use, foster active transport and leverage investment at the state and local level. Ultimately this will increase connectivity both within Council boundaries and to surrounding areas including the future Aerotropolis, and proposed connections, including potential High Speed Rail and Metro extension.
Arcadis was heavily involved in the development of the master plan from initial engagement with Council and development of key project pillars to identification and prioritisation of key projects, the implementation plan and finalising of the master plan to Council’s satisfaction.
The focus for ‘reimagining’ Campbelltown was to improve connectivity, provide more housing and employment choices and deliver better wellbeing and leisure facilities. This involved providing a connected and convenient transport system that promotes healthy living and is accessible for everyone, prioritising sustainable transport modes. The result was evidence based smart cities master planning with an emphasis on measurable outcomes and catalytic projects. The implementation of the Government Architects Green Grid framework at this level is believed to be a first for the Sydney metropolitan region.
Sustainability and resilience were built into all aspects of water management from water quality treatment and flooding risk management to water efficiency and reuse. The incorporation of the green grid framework will provide a multitude of environmental, health, social and economic benefits for many generations to come. In particular, it will aid in mitigating the impacts of the Urban Heat Island effects which is a particular issue for the region.
With a commitment to low carbon, low resource and low waste, Arcadis worked with the sustainability consultants with the vision of providing more sustainable infrastructure and services through the adoption of circular economy principles. This focus on sustainability will mitigate the impacts of the climate and future growth for the benefit of the current and future residents.