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As global warming increasingly affects the lives of billions of people around the world, countries, regions, or states are looking to accelerate the transition from burning fossil fuels to meet our mobility needs. The move towards zero emission vehicles - largely battery electric vehicles, must be accompanied by investment in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI).

The Arcadis Global Charging Infrastructure Market Report compares the market conditions across 21 regions. This new report builds upon the 2021 Global Electric Vehicle Catalyst Index utilizing new metrics and parameters including the economic maturity and returns potential on investment in these regions.

Arcadis has engaged with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and its members in compiling this report.

Investment & Technology Outlook

As businesses embrace the electric mobility revolution, OEMs and battery manufacturers are accelerating the electrification of their portfolio, introducing 350 EV models in last 5 years. Several OEMs have even announced the date for ending internal combustion engine sales. With EV technology already a proven cost-efficient solution for several fleet types, businesses from the technology demand side are also playing a key role in accelerating the adoption of EV technology for users.

We have seen some fleets include wireless charging infrastructure as part of their solution, OEM’s offering battery swap infrastructure with associated new concepts of “Battery-as-a-Service” and the rise of new offerings including “Charging-as-a-Service" through mobile charging technology. As investment increases to advance technology, we need to plan and build infrastructure that is fit for purpose now, but also adaptable to incorporate future technology.

A fast internal combustion engine phaseout however must be supported by the equally fast deployment of sustainable and equitable charging infrastructure, its efficient integration in the grid, and access to renewable energy sources. The current global market volatility is having an impact on the manufacture of EVs and chargers due to microchip shortages attributable to COVID-19 and China’s associated lockdowns which could result in a more linear increase in the number of EVs. This recent market unpredictability including the spike in gasoline prices may result in more behavioural changes, attitudes and adoption of EVs.

Regional Spotlights

Europe Spotlight

All regions in Europe have a Net-Zero declaration, however, Turkey is the only region with no incentives or grants to support the rollout of EVs. Lessons can be taken from Norway who are leading in terms of EV penetration, with their growth attributed to their VAT tax  system which makes EVs cheaper to buy than similar ICE vehicles.

Asia-Pacific Spotlight

In the Pacific, Australia has increased pressure to bring new regulations to support the EV transition (at the time of writing – July 2022). It is currently the only region in the research that has no ban on petrol and diesel cars. China has been one of the regions committed to supporting EVs across multiple industries and has resulted in one of the most advanced infrastructure landscapes for fast chargers.

Global Charging Infrastructure Market Report

North America Spotlight

There has been significant money pledged or already invested in the charging infrastructure in Canada and states in the U.S. With good government incentives in places for those wanting to make the transition. Charging infrastructure is still a barrier for many, due to the land mass and spread of the territory. There are high density areas that lend themselves well to increased EV adoption such as California and New York for both fleets and private usage.

Global Charging Infrastructure Market Report

Latin America Spotlight

Brazil is set to be the first Latin American country to have a ban on ICE vehicles by 2030 followed by Chile in 2035, with Mexico and Argentina to ban ICE vehicles by 2040. With these upcoming bans, there needs to be increased funding and investment made into the charging infrastructure to encourage the transition to EVs.

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Global Charging Infrastructure Market Report

An analysis of the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) investment market

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Global EV Catalyst Index (2nd Edition)

Including updated data and 3 new countries

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Global Solutions Director, New Mobility

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