The challenge
ODOT needed a modern solution to replace legacy systems for efficient traffic management, monitoring, and public communication.
ODOT needed a modern solution to replace legacy systems for efficient traffic management, monitoring, and public communication.
Arcadis implemented the inSIGHT ATMS solution, providing real-time traffic management and communication capabilities, replacing ODOT’s legacy systems.
The inSIGHT ATMS system transformed ODOT’s operations, enabling remote management, enhancing safety, and supporting 20 users statewide.
The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) faced a significant challenge with a mix of legacy event management and device management systems across the state. Managing on-road events, monitoring traffic and weather conditions, and communicating vital information to the public had become inefficient due to the disparate nature of these legacy systems. Furthermore, the system lacked the ability to manage instrumented corridors for weather-based variable speed limits and dynamic lane usage. ODOT needed a modern integrated solution that could enhance operational efficiency and respond to the evolving needs of traffic management across multiple sites, including remote locations during the pandemic.
Arcadis implemented the inSIGHT ATMS solution as part of a statewide ATMS contract, replacing ODOT’s legacy systems with a modern, comprehensive platform. This included on-site staffing, project planning, system design, and transition planning. The inSIGHT ATMS solution enabled real-time management of traffic and weather events, control over variable speed limits, and dynamic lane use. It also integrated with ITS infrastructure, APIs, and electronic communication platforms to deliver real-time updates to the public. Approximately 40 Arcadis professionals supported the system, ensuring seamless deployment and ongoing management across the Statewide Traffic Operations Center and multiple remote locations.
The implementation of inSIGHT ATMS transformed ODOT’s traffic management operations. The system now supports approximately 20 end users across a Statewide Traffic Operations Center and up to 12 remote locations, improving response to on-road events and ensuring efficient traffic flow. During the pandemic, the system enabled remote traffic management operations for 14 months, further proving its resilience and flexibility. Additionally, the system's advanced capabilities in managing variable speed limits and dynamic lane usage have enhanced road safety and operational efficiency, benefiting both ODOT and Ohio’s road users.