The challenge
Network Rail faced the challenge of establishing an embodied carbon baseline for its UK-wide supply chain operations, covering a total of 85 sites.
Network Rail faced the challenge of establishing an embodied carbon baseline for its UK-wide supply chain operations, covering a total of 85 sites.
Arcadis produced a detailed carbon baseline report and an interactive Power BI dashboard to visualise the results and explore in further detail.
The project resulted in a calculated carbon baseline for Network Rail, highlighting significant carbon-emitting workstreams.
Network Rail faced the challenge of establishing an embodied carbon baseline for its UK-wide supply chain operations, covering a total of 85 sites. They needed a replicable methodology to monitor and control carbon emissions, identify key carbon drivers and hotspots, and provide recommendations to support their decarbonisation strategy. Assessment of carbon emissions associated with the supply, manufacture and distribution of products and materials was required, designated within the following workstreams:
• Aggregates
• Rail
• Switches and Crossings (S&C)
• Seasonal Fleet Materials
• Sleepers
• Spoil
• Troughing
Arcadis collaborated with over 30 Network Rail Data Point Contacts (DPCs) to gather and comprehensively analyze data for over 10,000 products. This involved leadership workshops to identify scope boundaries, interviews with DPCs and structuring and cleansing data for analysis. Arcadis produced a detailed carbon baseline report based off the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard, and an interactive Power BI dashboard to visualise the results and explore in further detail. Python-based automation software was utilized for data calculations and validated carbon rates were sourced from industry approved environmental datasets.
Arcadis collaborated with over 30 Network Rail Data Point Contacts (DPCs) to gather and comprehensively analyze data for over 10,000 products. This involved leadership workshops to identify scope boundaries, interviews with DPCs and structuring and cleansing data for analysis. Arcadis produced a detailed carbon baseline report based off the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard, and an interactive Power BI dashboard to visualise the results and explore in further detail. Python-based automation software was utilized for data calculations and validated carbon rates were sourced from industry approved environmental datasets.